About Us

Who We Are

Social Tuna became renowned mural painter Patrick Ganino’s brain child in 2008. When marketing and promoting himself as an artist, business owner, and philanthropist, he realized that he had a gift for self promotion and a need to help others like himself become more successful. He also knew that he wanted to work with talented people that could help execute his vision. Throughout the next years, he hired a team of serious talent. The Social Tuna team has a pedigree of high tech skills coupled with creative vision and a love of pop culture.

Social Tuna began with one major concept in mind: to help people and businesses market themselves via Social Media. Most do not have the time or expertise to engage in Social Media to its fullest potential. We actively manage your Social Media via blogs, Twitter, Facebook, product placement, and monthly newsletters.

There are many promotional techniques utilized by Social Tuna which are created specifically for you and implemented via blogs, Facebook fan pages and expanding your social media visibility. Email databases are created to distribute information to your clientele in an efficient and consistent manner.

There are many firms which may help with the development of Social Media accounts, but this is the easy part of the process. Most developers are not marketing specialists. Many companies can create a blog and Facebook or Twitter page, but the business owners are then left to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, if a business simply develops a page or two without working the maximum possibilities available through Social Networking, it will not increase visibility or grow a customer/fan base. For this, you need true marketing professionals thinking about your brand every day.

At Social Tuna, we pride ourselves on results. Driving your business is our top priority. Businesses are busy doing what they do best, which is operating their business. Social Tuna was created to help people and businesses maximize social media through true marketing efforts which yield results.